Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Berenst__n Bears.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Death of ? or Not
I remember Jim Nabors, he was a singer and actor. He was Gomer on the Andy Griffth Show. He also played Gomer Pyle USMC on his own show. I remember him dying a long time ago , like back in the 80s or 90s. According to the Inter webs he is still alive.
Muhammed Ali I remember him dying around 2010-2013,? It was shortly after his daughter was on DWTS. He died 2016.
Billy Graham I remember him dying probably 2013-2015? He still alive. My dad remembers him dying and remembers the funeral and all the tributes, it was a big to-do on TV, he was surprised to find out that he was still alive.
When country singer George Jones died I was surprised because I thought that he had died at a previous time as well.
So this is just a small sample of people that we all thought died and turns out they died later on. All this is changed for us.
Mandela Effected!
WelKome to the New Reality
Named after Nelson Mandela because many of us remember him dying in the 80s or 90s and yet he died 2013.
Another is the berenstein bears, which is now berenstain bears.
This is where I will be tracking all the changes and pondering all the reasons and theories ppl have for this happening.