Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Finding Residue. New VW

Happy New year everybody.
I am wondering if we are not in the middle of a shift back regarding the Volkswagen logo. I am finding more and more logos of the old-style or logos that seem to be healing themselves as far as that space into center. Take a look at all the photos of the screenshots that I got today.

I kept the original websites because I don't want to lay claim to any of these pictures they all belong to their respective websites.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Beam me up Scotty

Well according to the new Mandela effects "beam me up Scotty", was never uttered on Star Trek by Captain Kirk. Now I'm not a big Trekkie but I did watch the original Star Trek when it was in syndication and I remember that line being uttered by Captain James T Kirk. However today you won't be able to find it , but since it was an iconic line , you can find others saying.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Land Changes in Action

One of the more significant changes happening are the land changes. South America is NO longer located directly under the center of the US, now it has shifted about 2000 miles to the east out in the Atlantic past Florida.  Central America now Hooks right.

It isn't just South America that shifted but continents all around the world as well. According to MANDELA EFFECT RESEARCH BLOG 
Panama has become an East-West country instead of North-South country and the canal now cuts Northwest to Southeast. Cuba has doubled in size, moved a thousand miles to the west, and now practically touches the Yucatan....
Denmark now juts up between Norway and Sweden and is much, much further north than it was before. Spain has shifted westward. Italy now points  in a southeasterly direction, instead of southward. Sicily has moved northwestward about 500 km and now touches the tip of Italy.
Moving to Asia, Japan has moved westward and is now much closer to Korea and China. It is far less elongated than it used to be. Australia has moved at least 2,000 km northward to the point that it now almost touches Papua New Guinea and has become part of Asia
Shane from Unbiased and on the Fence Channel on Youtube has a video showing Land Changes caught in action. If you don't want to watch the whole video Move foward to the 9:50 mark.

In addition There are Beaches all over the world Losing their water. People tried to say it was from Hurricanes but some of these didn't suffer the effects of storms.

Its an exciting time to be alive to witness these strange things.

Mandanimals and Rainbow Nature

The Quantum Effect has brought into this reality animals never before seen or even mentioned as well as Everything Technocolor.

One of my favorite content creator is Shane Cornell from Unbiased and on the fence.

Everything Rainbow . I love Animals and Nature and Photography. I spent alot of time in nature.  I bought a binder and info cards ( Ya know, those cards that come in every month for a fee?) about animals from all around the world, they never had these things....

For example Flying Fox, Pink Elephants, Spotted skunks....
Check them out. Now alot of people say that they had these animals around. etc etc... I am not an expert and it is possible some of these have been around without my knowledge, and then perhaps they were around in someone else universe. With quantum physics blurring our worlds ( at least that is one theory, the other is rapture, or end times scenario, more on that in another post ) That is a possibility.
















We also have rainbow mountains.Never heard of these before.

Rainbow Mountains in China


I found a Curious Picture regarding Nelson Mandela

There is a youtube creator named Reality Shifter.  He made a video where he traveled to South Africa to visit the prisons that housed Nelson Mandela, and also ask people when he died . Well during this video There is a Mural on the wall outside one of the Prisons . The Mural is of Nelson Mandela and the word Resurection. Take a Look...


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Ed McMahon A Big ME

Alot of us over 35ers remember Ed being the spokesperson for Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.  The Prize Patrol coming to the door , with flowers and a big ole check.
Well at least in my reality.

This new reality has the folks over at PCH denying Eds existence in their company. How Sad.

But there is plenty of residue to be found on this one. Take a look.

Above video by IndigoMoon

Lots and lots of chatter referring to Ed McMahon not delivering the big check for Publishers Clearing House.  Yet we have lots of residue referencing him doing just that.

In fact  if you go to You Tube and search Ed McMahon PCH Mandela you can find lots more Residue.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Break me off a Piece of That KIT-KAT Bar *Residue*

Now I know I am living in an alternative dimension. The US Patent office has no Registration for
 Kit-Kat even though I have a picture of its registration mark.

I can't find the actual wrapper with the Hyphen. Its been Mandected. I did find a photoshopped picture . Someone shopped the hyphen back into the wrapper to show people what she remembers. I then took that and ran it thru google image search and could NOT find one.

I did however find a copy of Litigation for anti trust against the confectionary companies.  You will see that KIT-KAT is spelled with the Hyphen and registered trademark. The last picture was a news article about ppl messing with halloween candy. Go all the way to the bottom of last paragraph.

This is photoshopped to show how we remember it

Finding Residue. New VW

Happy New year everybody. I am wondering if we are not in the middle of a shift back regarding the Volkswagen logo. I am finding more and m...