Monday, October 16, 2017

Is the Mandela effect nothing more than a huge experiment?

I lived long enough to tell you I can say for certain the government likes to experiment on people without their knowledge. I also happen to know that the government likes to keep people busy down here on the left so we don't see what's going on above us on the right.

I have been contemplating the quantum effect or Mandela effect for a while .I eat sleep and breathe Mandela effect, especially since it's been happening to me personally.

I have investigated theories everything from a reality shift to The Fifth Dimension (check out Dolores Cannon for more information on that one)  to CERN, d-wave computers , God, you name it .

After thinking about it and praying on it, yeah I started praying again and even asking my inner self to reveal the answers to me I have come to the conclusion that what's going on is nothing more than a massive Consciousness manipulation.

We all know how they say that our thoughts create our reality and if we focus and concentrate and do some creative visualization we can create our own reality. I believe either a private group of people or the government more than likely , has taken it upon themselves to have a bunch of people focus on certain things to see if they can create reality.  I mean who else would benefit from changing the words in the Bible. Certainly not CERN. And God wouldn't change the words in the Bible from the lion shall lay with the lamb, to the wolf shall dwell with the lamb.

No there's something more foot and I think it's a grand experiment.

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