Thursday, October 26, 2017

Break me off a Piece of That KIT-KAT Bar *Residue*

Now I know I am living in an alternative dimension. The US Patent office has no Registration for
 Kit-Kat even though I have a picture of its registration mark.

I can't find the actual wrapper with the Hyphen. Its been Mandected. I did find a photoshopped picture . Someone shopped the hyphen back into the wrapper to show people what she remembers. I then took that and ran it thru google image search and could NOT find one.

I did however find a copy of Litigation for anti trust against the confectionary companies.  You will see that KIT-KAT is spelled with the Hyphen and registered trademark. The last picture was a news article about ppl messing with halloween candy. Go all the way to the bottom of last paragraph.

This is photoshopped to show how we remember it

We are the Champions, Missing verse *Residue*

I grew up singing "We are the Champions" by queen . However in early 2000 I noticed the last verse was missing. I assumed I was remembering it wrong, despite hearing it for over 20 -25 yrs.

When I discovered the Mandela effect and shared it with others, they too wondered where the last verse went. I explained that we were probably wrong since we hear him say it in the middle of the song ( THE VERSE IS "OF THE WORLD").

Then I discovered the rest of the ME community and we are all missing that last verse.

There are a couple of LIVE video where he sings it. But on radio he doesn't.  Now I need to see if I have this in my music collection and see if its been Mandected or not.

Well, It WAS a beautiful day in my Neighborhood *Residue*

Mr. Rogers has been Mandected.  Most of us over a certain age remember Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. Even those who didn't watch it Know the song, at least the beginning of it. It's Iconic.

However the new word (THIS) doesnt roll off the tongue. Its a beautiful in THIS neighborhood...

There is a spinoff cartoon called Daniel Tigers Neighborhood and they use the same theme song.

I found this on Youtube, Used with Permission.

The creator is Spaced out Productions

I also have written residue 2nd column below towards the bottom.

They Need to stop this shit! 

Charlie Brown Creator Charles SCHULTZ Mandected *Residue*

The Late Charles Schultz has had his name Mandected. It is now Schulz. But the residue is still fresh so you can still find articles with the correct spelling.

This is the one thing I noticed last night.  Some video are saying you can still find this residue or that residue by searching archives or doing "forced " searches. However things some utubers were able to bring up 6 months ago are now gone from google archives.

SO I am now on the hunt for as much residue as I can.  But another thing is as some ppl document their residue, as time passes their residue disappears. Its reminding of "The Langoliers". A movie by Stephen King about a plane that flies thru a wormhole and goes into the past. They find these cannonballs with sharp teeth that eat the PAST.  They finally figure out how to escape and get back to reality where they actually fly into the future by a few minutes and have to wait for time to catch up to them.  A good movie.

The thing is the more I delve into the mandela effect the more I see similarities to movies and stuff. Makes me wonder...

Anyway. Heres some residue...

 You will notice however in the article below the name was mandected in the story.

This story below not only mentions Charles Schultz but also the lyrics to Mr Rogers Beautiful day song which is also been mandected.

Changed Names. Looney TOONS.

Looney Tunes?  Its been Mandected ! ( mandela effected)  Its not about music its about cartoons, hence looney "Toons". The funny thing is the baby toons version has not changed.. Tiny Toons is the same. Trying to find residue is my personal challenge. I spend a big chunk of my time just researching. Like uncovering a mystery. Proving to the world that HEY WE AREN'T CRAZY!

The one thing that pisses me off is ppl saying we are misremembering. Really? MILLIONS of ppl misremembering?  Just STOP already.

Anyway here some things I have found.


These 2 I found on photobucket. They ARE Photoshopped but I added them to show that ppl do remember the spelling.

 This guy put his picture in but that is the LOGO for Looney Toons

 And Finally if you do a Forced search of "LooneyToons" You will find pages of merch for sale on Etsy, and other sales apps with the spelling Toons.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Grease Update

I decided today to pull out my Grease movie and see if it survived the shift. It's funny how the music on my iPod survived but when I put my DVD in and I listen to Grease Lightning it's been changed WTF?!
I just about cried I cannot believe that the words to the song were changed on my DVD but not on my iPod and a couple of videos on YouTube still have the original lyrics While others have  changed the lyrics.
I wish I could figure out what was going on!

Monday, October 23, 2017

I Just Had an Epiphany

Okay so this post might isolate some people and I really don't give a shit. And its s bit long.

Now most people don't know me or who I am or what I'm about. I was raised Roman Catholic I left the church when I was around 18 I did it alone for a while, I was a Christian but I didn't go to church. Later on I went to different churches, Episcopal, Protestant, I even left and I was practicing Wicca,  but at the same time I'm also very spiritual. I was raised by my father who was on a spiritual path and because he couldn't talk to my mother about it would come to talk to me about it. At 14 and 15 some of the shit he told me would scare the hell out of me but there was a lot of gnosis in me that I believed in some if  not most of what he said.

Around 98 My mother died, I also found out about my (ex) husbands adultery. I was angry and angry at God. At this point a Jehovahs Witness came by. I told them if they thought they could handle me they were welcome to come back. They Did. I told them I was not joining their church, and I didn't. But I did read and chat with them for a yr and a half. I came back to my faith in God but was driving myself crazy trying to figure who or what God was. I mean you can't get something from nothing, but I was always told he was always there.  (Physics)

 I later on joined the Baptist Church which was part of the Christian School where my young'un was going. I got baptized again.  I was born again, went to Bible study, went to church every week, took part in the Ladies Auxiliary, but at the same time I also maintained my spiritual life. I would spend a few months walking the faithful path as a good Christian and then I would take some time off of that and jump into the spiritual world where I would study and Ponder and meditate on things that I knew  was more to than what the Bible and the church was telling me.

Okay so now that you know where my faith stands I currently at this time in my life have come to the conclusion that the Bible is a book of allegories told to us to teach us lessons. I finally opened my eyes to see that hey nobody was there when God created the Earth so I don't know what he said and who is there to witness the fall of Lucifer and how do we know that God and Satan had a bet going when they were messing around with Jobs life, etc etc.

So I've come away from that and although I still believe in Jesus I know him as a great prophet and metaphysician and he is one with God as we all are and he even said so  John 10:34 ,"Is it not written in your law, (Psalms 82:6 ) I have said Ye are all Gods. At this point I struggle and I have been struggling for years who is God.  How do I pray? who am I praying to? My logical mind took over and it was a block for me. I am only now going back to praying to whomever because I still haven't any answers.
I understand the concept of us being one with God. I liken it to an ocean. Take a test tube and fill it with ocean water and cap it off. The ocean is God and so that little bit in the testtube is still God but the glass tube is our Meat suits, our bodies, so WE ARE GOD, but 56 yrs of christian programming of the man in the sky is still there and creating a conflict in my mind.

Okay so now that you know where I sit spiritually you'll understand some of what I'm going to say . About  2000 - 2001 I bought the movie Left Behind, the one with Kirk Cameron, the original.  I like the music and later on I downloaded the music to my iPod.  Fast Foward to day, I was listening to my iPod the soundtrack from Left Behind came on.

Now I've been feeling kind of restless inside something keeps pumping at me to go and meditate to raise my vibrations and I keep saying yeah yeah yeah but I don't make the time for it.

 So I'm listening to this song today and the lyrics in the beginning are

"You might think I'm crazy but I've been feeling lately I'm standing on the edge of something ready to break more and more I hear it something in my spirit telling me we're closer than ever to that day."

 That's kind of how I've been feeling, something's nudging at me, just waiting for the other shoe to drop kind of feeling.
As I'm listening to the song and I'm sitting here crocheting and my mind is just going back to the movie and I'm thinking about scenes from the movie and I had an epiphany.

In the movie  the guy who plays the devil (Nicolae) he manipulates reality and most people don't even realize it. Things are changing and most people don't realize it and and the only people that know something's going on are the few people that became christians that have been left behind . Kirk Cameron originally in the movie was a agnostic or an atheist he didn't really believe and he went to this meeting with the heads of state at the supposed to be the UN and Nicolae was there (who is actually the devil) and he kills these two guys.  He shoots these two guys in front of everyone. He figured out that they were going to double cross him and Kirk Cameron , who is just gave himself over to God and is a baby Christian is sitting there and can see that there's something wrong and nobody else in the room can see it and with the snap of a finger everybody's like oh my God this one guy killed his friend and then shot himself. They dont even see it was Nicolae who killed these guys. But Kirk Cameron being the Christian knows the truth .

 So it seems like noone sees the things going on except for the new Christians the ones who converted after the Rapture.
Now I don't believe in the Rapture.  Rapture is not even in the Bible, and that's all about eschatology and I don't go there. I don't get into tribulation and Rapture and all that. However there is a part in the Bible that says that in the twinkling of an eye God Will Take One and leave the other. Two will people will be lying in bed one will disappear,  two women in the kitchen cooking washing dishes one stays one goes in twinkling of an eye just like that.

 I thought of all this today while I was listening to that song and I'm like this Mandela effect stuff is just like the movie I mean you got people running around who don't see any changes calling us crazy because we're going,  "hey this shit's changed, there's something different, there's something wrong, you know lyrics have changed, names have changed, the Bible has changed. That's another post I'm going to get into one day cuz that's a big post and there was like Mega changes in the Bible.

So I'm just wondering now, you know I've been going into my theories about what this Mandela effect stuff is and I know they said in the Bible that things will speed up, they compare the things that are happening in End of Days  to that of a woman in labor. They say it's going to be happening faster and faster And quicker and quicker and I noticed that things are changing now whole lot more than when I first started noticing them in the 90s in the late 90s.
Back in 96 I noticed that we were the sun was different. The sun was white and it was hot  and in January when it shouldn't have been and it was and I noticed other changes like name changes the Berenstein/ Berenstain Bear changes, logo changes, and all the stuff that I attributed to my memory .
I figured it was my memory that was bad or they changed logos on packaging , but I couldn't figure out why the sun was white and hot though and but I would argue with anybody who mentioned global warming, that it was from the Sun not SUVs on mars, because the whole solar system was heating up.
 I'm just wondering if maybe there really is a battle between God and the devil who knows maybe there really is Lucifer going around. Anyway I just needed to get this off my chest and this  Theory post will be continued because there still isn't any answers just a lot of what ifs, thoughts, &  epiphanies etc etc

Stealing Letters *Residue*

So many people have had their names changed with the Mandela effect. George Michaels is now George Michael. Jim Carey is now spelled with two R's instead of 1 . Sally Fields who's brother works at CERN BTW lost her "S". I did however find her name spelled with the "S". It was one of those fake ads. The ironic thing is what it said on the ad. " We say goodbye to Sally Fields". I say it's ironic because now her name has been changed to field.

Men's warehouse or wearhouse

I grew up with men's Warehouse. Seems the Mandela effect has changed it to Wearhouse I beg to differ. Shout out to #roterodamus11 on Instagram for finding this

Thoughts on Our Quantum Experiences

So maybe what's happening is those of us who have evolved enough spiritually, we are leaving the third dimension for the fifth and those that stay in the third still have learning to do. 
Like they say with reincarnation, you keep coming back,  life is a school. Well maybe this is where we graduate to our next school,  maybe we went through the first and second dimensions in prior lifetimes and just didn't know it and those of us who are experiencing Quantum effects are all ready to graduate for the next school, like maybe high school or college. You know the Mayans they say the Mayans just vanished, groups of people just vanished walked away, walked across the field and vanished at least that's what I was told,  so maybe we are experiencing the same kind of thing. Maybe this isn't such a bad thing I'm thinking maybe we are the Chosen Few who have learned our lessons enough to go on to the next school to learn the next set of lessons.
New entry: Update I just had a synchronicity I was listening to some chat on YouTube it was "Mandela effect live call in show with Rachel Reenstra and Lazlo and Truth media films", and somebody on there mentioned the same thing that I just said about our reincarnating and us moving on into the next dimension. 
 I thought it was weird because I thought I was the only one that had this strange thought but as I've seen in the past my strange thoughts usually turn out to be truth in my  own gnosis , seen and reiterated other places either in books or movies about spiritual things or whatever, but maybe I'm onto something. Maybe the changes were noticing aren't changes at all maybe they're Illusions for those of us who are graduating maybe nothing's changed. 
Think about it.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Lucy, You got Some 'Splainin to do, Residue, Kinda.

The quantum effect has taken some words phrases and famous lines from some of our movies and TV shows.
One of the most famous iconic lines is from I Love Lucy , where Ricky says, 
" Lucy you have some splaining to do." 

 That line is no longer there in any of the Lucy episodes.
One person said it was a misquote and the internet ran with that and of course that's not true because we all remember it and it's quoted all over the internet , just Google it, you will see people that title their blogs, their Pinterest pages , and even their YouTube channels as, " Lucy you have some splainin to do."
I ran across an article about a small acting troupe that do Lucy skits and in one part they talk about two episodes that they do and they say that , yes Ricky actually says the iconic line , "Lucy you have some explaining to do." To which the audience explodes in applause.

I found a webpage called phrasemix which quotes  iconic lines from famous movies or shows and when it would be appropriate for you to use that line in real life and guess what's there? Yes the famous Lucy line.

And finally and has an article about famous catchphrases, and yep its there...

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Grease is the word *Residue*


Grease my favorite movie. I remember seeing it right from the start and I have had several copies of the movie in my collection over the years. The latest one I have is the celebration with all the extras and the words and lyrics to the songs and so on and so forth. I've watched that movie so many times I can now say everybody's line.  So can my oldest daughter in fact.
But for some reason when it comes to this song , when I asked her she said the word ultramatic (wrong word) which really bothers me because now I'm thinking she's From Another Dimension LOL.
As I said it seems that lyrics to the song Greased Lightning has changed. There are lots of YouTube videos about this you can check them out, ( UPDATE* Today some of the videos are now saying the correct lyrics and some aren't, we may be in the middle of a flip flop) but after seeing this I decided to take it a personal challenge to find the correct lyrics. And I did.
There are a lot of videos on YouTube showing the people doing covers of the song correctly and all the remakes like the show Glee when they did the grease production and other similar Productions also doing it correctly, but for some reason in the movie itself the lyrics have been changed from, " this car could be automatic systematic hyyyydromatic",  to "this car could be systematic hydromatic and ultramatic " said without any excitement .
That just pissed me off.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Is the Mandela effect nothing more than a huge experiment?

I lived long enough to tell you I can say for certain the government likes to experiment on people without their knowledge. I also happen to know that the government likes to keep people busy down here on the left so we don't see what's going on above us on the right.

I have been contemplating the quantum effect or Mandela effect for a while .I eat sleep and breathe Mandela effect, especially since it's been happening to me personally.

I have investigated theories everything from a reality shift to The Fifth Dimension (check out Dolores Cannon for more information on that one)  to CERN, d-wave computers , God, you name it .

After thinking about it and praying on it, yeah I started praying again and even asking my inner self to reveal the answers to me I have come to the conclusion that what's going on is nothing more than a massive Consciousness manipulation.

We all know how they say that our thoughts create our reality and if we focus and concentrate and do some creative visualization we can create our own reality. I believe either a private group of people or the government more than likely , has taken it upon themselves to have a bunch of people focus on certain things to see if they can create reality.  I mean who else would benefit from changing the words in the Bible. Certainly not CERN. And God wouldn't change the words in the Bible from the lion shall lay with the lamb, to the wolf shall dwell with the lamb.

No there's something more foot and I think it's a grand experiment.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Stores Disappearing

I have read stories and heard videos where ppl say their neighborhood is changing overnight.  Hotels popping up, restaurants, roads, etc or vanishing.

Well I am one of those ppl.  Last month I went to the shopping center here in town. There is a Game Stop there near the theater. I know where it is because I had to go there one day with my grandson to return a game he and his brother bought. Seems he was old enough to buy it but not old enuff to return it.

So as we roll into the shopping area I am looking out the window and I don't see Game Stop. There is a tiny comic shop there instead. WTF?

I am looking around to see if I didn't mistaken where the store was, maybe I am on the wrong side of the shopping center. NO I am in the right place.

Now I am getting frantic. NO I know where I am at and I know where the store is. " When did they close shop ?"  I am thinking, and what will the kids do for games now if they are gone?

I meant to ask my grandson when they closed the store but forgot about it.

Fast Forward to today. I am back in that shopping center and I look out the window and what do I see?  GAME STOP!  In all its glory, right where it has always been ( except the day I entered another dimension and it was gone).

Monday, October 9, 2017

Personal Quantum Moments

I hate when I lose things.  Usually I blame it on the spirit world ( yes I believe). Worse is when shit vanishes right up under my nose.  Lately I have had 2 instances. Last month I wanted to watch some DVD re runs. I went to my room and opened the dresser drawer that I keep them in ( I lost all my movies when I moved to fla. LONG STORY).  I pulled out several movies to look at and decided on a movie and put the other 2 back in the drawer.
The next day I decided to watch one of the other 2 movies I had looked at the day before. THEY WERE BOTH GONE!!!
SERIOUSLY?!  I can't figure out where they went.  I checked under the bed and even the bookshelf, everywhere. NOPE! NOWHERE!

Fast forward to last week.  I went to do some painting ( I paint vinyl records) I brought my stuff into the dining area and proceeded to attempt painting. First I have to say I was feeling out of sync that day, and kind of like I do when I feel spirits around me. I was kinda feeling spacey and like I didn't belong, for lack of a better description. Anyway, I have these embroidery hoops I recently purchased to help me make perfect circles. I was attempting to paint but couldn't quite get my dots to follow a good arc so I pulled out my small hoop and did a lil tracing. I put it on the table and proceeded to attempt painting, again. ( You will notice my use of the word ATTEMPT?)

I just couldn't get anything even. I was not in sync. I gave up. I washed the record for the second time and decided to put it all away.  I packed it in and reached for the hoop and it was GONE!  Right in front of me , it vanished.

I looked everywhere, under the table , chairs, etc. NOWHERE!


I have even gone as far as demanding my stuff back. When its a spirit playing with me I get it back, this time however I haven't.

Volkswagon Logo RESIDUE

The Volkswagon Logo has changed it now looks like this 

However this is what I remember  Except for the tiny v on top

See? No split between the letters. Thanx to Perpetual motion and esoteric Detective for these finds.

Sunday, October 8, 2017


Many of us learned that the statue of liberty was ON Ellis Island.  However the Mandela Effect has it on Liberty Island and its been there for some time now.  I remember seeing it in the late 90s out in the harbor by itself.

There are many who have taken pictures with the statue on Ellis only now the statue is missing from the picture.

Well I took this as a personal challenge after seeing all these videos on utube about it.  After a few hours and several hundred thumbnails and pics I found ONE picture of the statue on Ellis island.

Pictures used under fair use for educational purposes, I make n claim to them.

Finding Residue. New VW

Happy New year everybody. I am wondering if we are not in the middle of a shift back regarding the Volkswagen logo. I am finding more and m...